Underwater Photography & Ocean Exploration

Underwater Photography & Ocean Exploration

Underwater Photography

& Ocean Exploration

Underwater Photography

& Ocean Exploration

Underwater Photography

& Ocean Exploration

The World Ocean is as close as you can get to outer space without leaving Earth. It’s an entirely different universe, nothing like the life we have on land. And while people dream about alien life forms from other planets, there is another universe right here, closer than anyone expects. As a marine biologist and underwater photographer, I have been studying and documenting this world for more than 10 years, organizing expeditions to the far-off corners of the planet, spending days and weeks under the polar ice, giving lectures, teaching classes at schools, writing books and making movies with a whole team of great people involved in my own project «Aquatilis».

Better than telling, let me show you something that I'm used to seeing on a daily basis:

With love from the Polar Circle. Have fun and say nice things to each other.

All images © Alexander Semenov


With love from the Polar Circle.

Have fun and say nice things to each other.

All images © Alexander Semenov